Prof. Pavel Fileviez Perez to host virtual workshop “BLV circa 2020”


We are pleased to announce that Prof. Pavel Fileviez Perez will host on July 6-8, 2020, a virtual workshop “BLV circa 2020” in the CWRU Department of Physics as part of Snowmass 2021. Postdoctoral scholar Alexis Plascencia and graduate students Clara Murgui and Elliot Golias serve on the workshop organizing committee along with colleagues from University of Massachusetts Amherst (see

Prof. P. Fileviez Perez and Prof. A. Pocar (UMass) specifically will co-convene the section about Baryon and Lepton Numbering Violating Processes, addressing different topics:

1. Theories for baryon and lepton number violation: P. Fileviez Perez (CWRU), M.B. Wise (Caltech)

2. Neutrinoless double beta decays: V. Cirigliano (LANL), A. Pocar (UMass)

3. Baryon and Lepton number violation at colliders: R. Ruiz (Lovain Univ.), E. Thomson (UPenn)

4. Proton decay: E. Kearns (Boston Univ.), S. Raby (Ohio State Univ.)

5. n-nbar oscillations: K. Babu (OSU), L. Broussard (ORNL)

6. More exotic L and B violating processes: S. Gardner (Univ. of Kentucky), J. Heeck (UC-Irvine)

7. Connections to Cosmology: A. Long (Rice Univ.), C. Wagner (Univ. of Chicago/ANL)

The Snowmass Process is organized by the Division of Particles and Fields (DPF) of the American Physical Society, and is an opportunity for the entire HEP community to come together to identify and document a vision for the future of particle physics in the U.S. and its international partners. For more details see: