Science 376 (2022) 6589, 170-176

Professor Pavel Fileviez Perez
Recently, the CDF collaboration at Fermilab reported a new surprising experimental result  [Science 376 (2022) 6589, 170-176] about the value of the W gauge bosons mass. The W gauge bosons together with the Z gauge boson are the mediators of one of the fundamental forces in nature, the so-called weak force. The weak force is responsible for many important physical processes in nature such as radioactivity.
The Standard Model of Particle Physics describes with very high precision the properties of the fundamental building blocks of matter, the quarks and leptons, and how they interact through the electromagnetic, weak, strong and Higgs forces. The Standard Model predicts an unique relation between the masses of the W and Z gauge bosons that has been tested for 40 years in different experiments.

                           Physics Letters B 833 (2022) 137371
Prof. Pavel Fileviez Perez, associate professor in the physics department, together with two former members of his group, Dr. Alexis D. Plascencia and Dr. Hiren H. Patel, studied this issue in detail and pointed out a simple way to explain the new value of the W mass in a theory where the Z gauge boson mass does not change and one can explain the results for the W mass reported by the CDF collaboration at Fermilab. Their results have been published in Physics Letters B 833 (2022) 137371 and have received attention in the particle physics community, having more than 60 citations.
Currently, the different experimental collaborations at the Large Hadron Collider are looking at the different ways to measure the W mass with very high precision to confirm or reject the results reported by the CDF collaboration. Prof. Fileviez Perez and his graduate student Hridoy Debnath have been collaborating with experimental colleagues, Prof. Jon Butterworth and Francis Mitchell from University College London in the UK to understand in detail the different signatures of this theory at the Large Hadron Collider. They published a new article with different recommendations for the LHC community, see the details in: