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Our faculty are devoted to mentoring of our graduate students throughout the program. Ph.D. students can expect to be supported fully on teaching assistantships, research assistantships, or fellowships for the duration of their enrollment. The average time-to-degree for the Ph.D. is 5.5 years, well below the national average.



Here is the downloadable application form for the graduate degree programs.



Here you can find an overview of the Ph.D. program and the requirements for graduation.


Masters in Physics

Here is an overview of the Masters in Physics program and its requirements.


Masters in Physics Entrepreneurship

Here is the link to the Physics Entrepreneurship Masters program’s home page.



Here is the listing of our faculty by both research interests and in alphabetical order.


Graduate Course Descriptions

Here are the catalog descriptions of graduate (400 level and above) courses.


Graduate Course Syllabi

Here you can find the syllabi for the graduate courses.


Research Groups

Here are descriptions of the research programs conducted by CWRU physics faculty and students.


Physics Graduate Student Association

The PGSA exists to provide a forum for all Case Graduate Physics students to express internal concerns, as a collective conduit for interaction with faculty and the University, and to provide its members with social activities.