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Samuel Patrone (Caltech) 

Date: Tue. April 2nd, 2024, 11:30 am-12:30 pm

Exploring the Renormalization of the Galaxy Bias Expansion

The galaxy bias expansion links the galaxy overdensity field to the matter overdensity field δρ. In my talk, I will review the theoretical machinery that allows us to connect the primordial curvature fluctuations to the large-scale structures of the Universe, and I will present the results of 2306.08025. In this work, we performed the one-loop renormalization of the composite operator δρ², up to third order in gravitational evolution and in the presence of local non-gaussianities, using three distinct regularization schemes. I’ll show how this choice impacts the values of the counterterms, and reconnect the explicit results with general properties of the expansion. 

Host: Pavel Fileviez

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