Divita Mathur (CWRU)
Date: Wed. November 2nd, 2022, 4:30 pm-5:30 pm
Location: Rockefeller 301
Website: http://mathurnanolab.com
Updated Zoom Link!!!
Meeting ID: 926 2462 7629
Passcode: biophysics
Title: Synthetic DNA Nanostructures as Platforms for Precise Nanoparticle Organization
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Case Western Reserve University
DNA nanotechnology has enabled the ability to build objects and particles at the nanoscale. With the help of a growing repository of DNA self-assembling tools and strategies, it
is possible to create two- and three-dimensional structures, ranging from a few nanometers to micron-scale in size. The cumulative properties of DNA, particularly its well-studied biophysical
and biochemical properties, compatibility with a host of organic and inorganic nanoparticles, and the predictable base pairing principles have led to its application as a building material in
single-molecular studies, photonics, plasmonics, synthetic biology, and healthcare. Herein, I will share our work on building DNA-based platforms for the precise organization of inorganic and
organic nanoparticles and biosensors. We explored the extent to which DNA platforms can control the relative positioning and orientation of these nanoparticles to augment their photophysical abilities. Results show spectral tailoring of gold nanorod architectures, efficient patterning of multiple semiconductor quantum dots, and elucidating the effect of three- dimensional dye spacing on Förster resonance energy transfer.