Structure-property relationships in polar perovskite oxides
Neamul H. Khansur
Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, CWRU
Abstract: Energy generation, distribution, and storage remain the key elements to worldwide sustainable development to decrease CO2 emissions. Therefore, it is crucial to develop effective technologies for the simultaneous conversion of energy from multiple sources with higher energy output. In particular, perovskites play a central role as an enabling technology, making them promising in numerous technological fields for their wide range of functional properties, such as ferroelectricity, thermoelectricity, photo-activity, superconductivity, electrocatalysis, ionic conductivity for electrolytes and cathodes, high energy density energy storage, and much more. Importantly, multifunctionalities can be simultaneously present, making perovskites an especially attractive material class for multimodal energy conversion. However, understanding structure-microstructure-property relationships is critical to better realize the full potential of the applicability of perovskite-based multifunctional materials. In particular, the determination of the origin of functional properties involves the characterization of materials across multiple length scales to include (i) average crystal structure, (ii) local scale structure, e.g., defects, dopants, (iii) nano-/microstructure, (iv) surface vs. bulk structure, (v) chemical and crystal structure homo-/heterogeneity. This presentation will discuss the influence of post-sintering annealing on the structure-property relationships of perovskites with a focus on energy conversions. In addition, a method to modulate the temperature stability of electromechanical properties without altering the composition will be presented.
Bio: Neamul H. Khansur is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Case Western Reserve University, USA. He received his PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from UNSW Sydney, Australia, where his research focused on understanding the structure-property relationships in lead-free ceramic/ceramic composites using in situ high-energy synchrotron and neutron diffraction. His research interests include multi-modal energy conversion and storage materials, in situ diffraction techniques for determining electro-mechanical actuation mechanisms, energy storage dielectrics, and the manufacture of both protective and functional ceramic coatings by powder aerosol deposition.
Host: Shulei Zhang