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Lydia Kisley (CWRU)

Date: Thu. November 17th, 2022, 4:00 pm-5:00 pm
Location: Rockefeller 301 and via Zoom

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Meeting ID: 953 8784 0890

Passcode: 975081

Super-resolution imaging of complex materials: chromatography and (extra)cellular nutrients

Lydia Kisley, Warren E. Rupp Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University, Departments of Physics and Chemistry

Abstract: Single-molecule spectroscopy and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy have become seminal tools for scientists due to their ability to resolve heterogeneity normally obscured in traditional ensemble measurements. Single-molecule spectroscopy has enabled important findings in areas such as cellular biophysics and catalysis, yet, single-molecule techniques have had limited use in the study of materials. From a macroscale engineering perspective, many materials are optimized empirically to decide what con­ditions work “best,” resulting in little understanding of the physics behind why the selected conditions perform the way they do. On the other hand, single-molecule studies of materials have focused on model, fundamental systems: materials simplified to have only a few components so they can be well-described by statistical models, but far from conditions for their intended use. Our lab’s goal is to advance the single-molecule materials field towards more complex conditions relevant to industrial and medical questions. In this talk I will present our work 1) studying chromatographic separation stationary phases used in industrial columns for separating chiral molecules with three-dimensional single-molecule imaging and 2) developing a super-resolution expansion microscopy method to sense small-molecule cellular nutrients in the extracellular environment. Overall, our single-molecule approach will allow us to study materials that are realistic, multi-component, and complex to connect fundamental molecular observations to materials challenges in industry and medicine.

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