Decades of Achievement
A tribute to eight (plus!) of our physics colleagues having birthdays ending in a zero
This tribute arises not just because of the improbability of so many with the same decadian birthday, but also to more generally celebrate our physics community. This year, one physics faculty member has a 40th birthday, two have their 60th birthday (an historically special physics birthday), three have their 70th, two their 90th, and a couple of others. We highlight their achievements in this mini-symposium with mini-talks, in which each of our decadians will be given an all too short encomium tribute. The honorees are, in alphabetical order, and alongside their honorer:
Gary S. Chottiner Daniel Scherson
Corbin E. Covault John Ruhl
Arnold J. Dahm David Farrell
Kenneth L. Kowalski Cyrus Taylor
Charles Rosenblatt Philip Taylor
Anuj Saini Lydia Kisley
Kenneth D. Singer Michael Hinczewski
Glenn D. Starkman Tom Giblin (Kenyon)
For another decadian or two – an honorer is Harsh Mathur
A reception will follow, outside 301, with beverages, fruit and cheese, and of course – birthday cake!