Andrea Young (UC Santa Barbara)
Date: Mon. August 23rd, 2021, 12:45 pm-1:45 pm
Location: Zoom (Meeting ID: 948 4886 6824 Passcode: 616859)
Magnetism and superconductivity in rhombohedral trilayer graphene
Andrea Young
Department of Physics, UC Santa Barbara
Abstract.– I will introduce the electronic structure of rhombohedral trilayer graphene, which hosts a saddle point van Hove singularity. Experiments probing thermodynamic density of states and electronic transport show that as the density is tuned towards the van Hove singularity, a cascade of ferromagnetic transitions occurs between states with broken spin and/or valley symmetries, including “half-metal” and “quarter-metal” states with a variety of Fermi surface topologies. Unexpectedly, we find superconducting states in the proximity of several of these magnetic transitions, including one superconducting state that emerges from a spin polarized half metal. I will review possible origins for these superconducting states.
Host: Xuan Gao