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Michael Fisch, Kent State University, X-ray Experiments in Liquid Crystal Science and Technology

Date: Mon. October 9th, 2017, 12:45 pm-1:45 pm
Location: Rockefeller 221 (Les Foldy Room)

X-ray Experiments in Liquid Crystal Science and Technology

Michael Fisch

Kent State University


The use of X-rays to study liquid crystals has a long history, and is still of continuing interest.  A brief review of liquid crystals and X-ray diffraction from common liquid crystalline phases will be presented.  Interpretation of the resulting diffraction patterns will be discussed, and some of our current experiments in bent-core molecules and “organic salts will be discussed.  The relationship of these studies to current problems in liquid crystal science and technology will be briefly explored, and the advantages and relative ease of X-ray techniques as well as some limitations discussed.



host C. Rosenblatt

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